Craven Idol - Towards Eschaton
This album reeks of thrash- and sulphuric black metal with its fast drums, thrashy riffs, screaming solos and some doomsday choirs.
This UK group delivers everything you have come to expect from this poisonous mixture. It isn't bad by any means, but ain't that thrilling ethier...
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Pornokrates: Deo Gratias

Germ - Grief
I really had high expectations for this album after his last EP "Loss" which I cherished indefinitely. But this album disappointingly does not live up to the predecessor. It absolutely ain't bad, the melancholy, the emptiness and despair is all present with its keyboard oriented music. But the mood is not quite here, the synthesizers and clean vocals takes up to much space and destroys some tracks that could have been great.
Absent Heat - Absence of Heat
This is an excellent album if you need to slumber. For almost everytime I have listened to this record I have fallen asleep. I don't really know why, it ain't that boring, maybe its the soundscape that sooths you or some magick stuff. But this album moves you're far away into your unconsciousness anyway. Other then that is this the typical stuff for depressive BM with noisy guitars and rabid distorted screams. Try it if you can't sleep.
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